Jasna in Davor sta moja prijatelja. Poznam ju že kar nekaj let, v bistvu še pred tem, ko se je njuna romanca zares začela. Zato sploh ne vem, če ima smisel pisati, kako sem vesel, da sta me povabila na njuno poroko kot fotografa. Poroka je bila namreč v najožjem družinskem krogu, kar je naredilo zelo intimno vzdušje in kar zelo priporočam.
Kljub temu, da sta naročila samo fotografiranje, sem se odločil narediti stop-motion video, ki je mojega stoičnega prijatelja ganil do solz. Kdo si želi več???
Jasna and Davor are my dear friends. I know them since forever, in fact long before their romance begin. Therefore I really don't see the point in telling you how happy I was they invited me to their wedding as their personal photographer. The wedding was for closest relatives only, which made it so special and intimate. I truly recommend it.
Nevertheless they wanted photos only, I made a stop-motion video, which moved my friend so much, he shed a tear. Who wanted more?
Video bo na voljo za ogled cez par ur, do takrat pa:
Video will be online in couple of hours, until then:
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