nedelja, 24. junij 2012

Go Skateboarding Day 2012

Kot že omenjeno, je 21.6. svetnovni dan skejtanja. S srcem skejtanju predana ekipa je na ta dan organizirala manjši dogodek nekje v Ljubljani in na presenečenje vseh se je na dogodku zbralo ogromno obiskovalcev, od tega skoraj 40 skejtarjev! Vsi tisti, ki so izvedli trik na boksu, so dobili malo nagradico...

V mesecu dni se bo dogodek ponovil. Bodite v nizkem štartu.


As we already mentioned - 21st of June is the national day of skateboarding. A small group of skateboarders organized a small even on 21st, that took place somewhere in Ljubljana and surprisingly there was a lot of visitors and nearly 40 skateboarders! Those, who did the trick on the box, received a small award at the end.

The event will happen again in a month. Be prepared.

torek, 19. junij 2012

MADNESS TV - MAD leđ pre skate day session 2012

V moj precej natrpan urnik večkrat tedensko poskušam vnesti tudi športne aktivnosti, izmed katerih sem najbolj navdušen nad snowboardanjem in skejtanjem, se razume. Vse ob svojem letnem času. Da bi šel še dlje v tej svoji navdušenosti, se s somišljeniki dobimo vsake toliko in poskušamo trike in smo pač... največji carji. Za vse ostale carje, ki to berete - v četrtek 21.6. je svetovni dan skejtanja. Na ta dan obvezno vsaj z eno nogo na skejt, če dne ne morete drugače.


In my pretty full schedule, I try to add some sport activities at least few times a week, and the sports, which I am the most fond of are snowboarding and skateboarding, of course. And, of course - each in it's time of the year. To go even further in my enthusiasm, I gather with my other pals and we do tricks and we just... are the cool dudes. For all the other cool dudes out there - Thursday, 21st of June is the international skate day. Put at least one foot on the deck on that day, if you can't honor it other way.

MADNESS TV - MAD leđ pre skate day session 2012 from MADNESS TV on Vimeo.

ponedeljek, 18. junij 2012

Ana & Miran, 21.04.2012

Začetek leta sem spoznal Mirana in Ano. No, v bistvu sem spoznal samo Mirana, ker Ana takrat ni imela časa za sestanek. Tako sva dva frajerja ob kozarcu Radenske in soka razglabljala o tem, kako bo potekala poroka. Na sestankih se, seveda, razglablja tudi o drugih stvareh in ker sem slišal veliko zanimivih zgodb o tem, kako se par spozna in kako stvar pripeljejo do poroke, sem se odločil, da želim tudi te 'male, sladke' vnesti v celo zgodbo. Mogoče zgodbe za vnuke, v vseh primerih pa za solze, za čez 20, 30 let in več.
V videu spodaj si lahko ogledate preplet njune zgodbe ter poroke, z dne 21.04.2012.

Ana & Miran from FotoVideo Storitve on Vimeo.

In the beginning of this year I've met Miran and Ana. Well, in fact I've met Miran only, because Ana couldn't join us that day. So there we were, two cool dudes, having a glass of soda and juice, talking about the wedding. We basically talked about other things too at the meetings, and since I've heard many interesting stories about how people meet and how things bring to the wedding, I decided to get those little sweet stories other people normally don't see into the whole wedding story. Maybe for the grand children, but definitely for the tears, over 20, 30 years and more.
In the video above you can see the mix of their story and their wedding day, on 21st of the April, 2012.

  Srečno! / Good luck!
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