Začetek leta sem spoznal Mirana in Ano. No, v bistvu sem spoznal samo Mirana, ker Ana takrat ni imela časa za sestanek. Tako sva dva frajerja ob kozarcu Radenske in soka razglabljala o tem, kako bo potekala poroka. Na sestankih se, seveda, razglablja tudi o drugih stvareh in ker sem slišal veliko zanimivih zgodb o tem, kako se par spozna in kako stvar pripeljejo do poroke, sem se odločil, da želim tudi te 'male, sladke' vnesti v celo zgodbo. Mogoče zgodbe za vnuke, v vseh primerih pa za solze, za čez 20, 30 let in več.
V videu spodaj si lahko ogledate preplet njune zgodbe ter poroke, z dne 21.04.2012.
Ana & Miran from FotoVideo Storitve on Vimeo.
In the beginning of this year I've met Miran and Ana. Well, in fact I've met Miran only, because Ana couldn't join us that day. So there we were, two cool dudes, having a glass of soda and juice, talking about the wedding. We basically talked about other things too at the meetings, and since I've heard many interesting stories about how people meet and how things bring to the wedding, I decided to get those little sweet stories other people normally don't see into the whole wedding story. Maybe for the grand children, but definitely for the tears, over 20, 30 years and more.
In the video above you can see the mix of their story and their wedding day, on 21st of the April, 2012.
Srečno! / Good luck!
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