torek, 24. julij 2012

Polona&Anže, 14.7.2012

 Polona in Anže sta poseben par. Sploh zato, ker sta skupaj od... no, od neskončnosti in ker prekipevata od energije. Ker imata zanimivo zgodbo in neverjetno podporo s strani prijateljev. Ni opcije, da bi vreme uničilo razpoloženje ali pa da bi vreme sploh lahko vplivalo na potek poroke. Sploh, ko imaš tako nore ideje, ki jih stežka natrpaš v 24 ur.
Poroka je potekala na vili Bled, poročna ceremonija pod arkadami, kar je najbrž najboljša opcija v spremenljivem vremenu. Vmes veliko sočnih podrobnosti, ki jih mogoče ulovite v prihajajočem videu, najboljše pa na koncu - žur se je zgodil v prostorih Belvederja, ki se je v nekem momentu spremenil v dancing contest. 

Naslednji teden objavim predporočni video s posnetki poroke. Do takrat pa za pokušino le nekaj fotografij. Uradni fotograf na poroki pa je bil odličen Samo Rovan.

Polona and Anže are special couple. Mostly because they've been together since forever and because they are full of energy. Because they have very interesting story and amazing support from their friends. There was no way the weather could destroy their wedding, or that the wedding could have any influence at all. Specially if you have ideas, larger than 24 hours.
Wedding took place at Vila Bled, under the arcades at the same location. There was so much going on, but the best for last - the party at the old Belvedere hotel, that was almost turned into a dancing contest. 
You can see more about it in the upcoming video from the wedding. I will post it on the blog next week. For now only few photos. Official photographer at the wedding was awesome Samo Rovan.

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