ponedeljek, 13. avgust 2012

Nisem pozabil, št.1 / I didn't forget n.1

Zaradi obilice dela zadnjih nekaj dni, da ne rečem tednov, sem popolnoma zanemaril blog in sploh vse internetne kanale, kjer puščam sledi. Ne pritožujem se, imel sem se res dobro in res je šlo hitro mimo to poletje. Ker se vse počasi vrača na ustaljena pota, se vrača na blog tudi bolj frekventno javljanje. Najbrž. ;)

Kot obljubljeno, tokrat končno objavljam link predporočnega videa Agnes in Leona, katerih slike sem že objavil. Poroka je potekala na enega bolj vročih dni tega leta, vendar sta se izkazala kot prekaljena mačka, vajena porok, in sta za goste poskrbela kar se da najboljše. Sploh kar se tiče hidracije in s tem ne namigujem na alkohol. Poroka je potekala na dvorcu Zemono, cerkvena poroka v mali cerkvici v Lokavcu pri Ajdovščini, predporočni video pa smo posneli v vinogradih in na njivi pod dvorcem. Plesalo in pelo se je do jutra, se razume.

Agnes & Leon from Videoporoka.si on Vimeo.

Due to overload of work in past few days, not to say past few weeks, I've totally neglected my blog and other channels where I leave my trace. I'm not complaining, I've had an amazing time and this summer really passed fast. And since my life is slowly returning to its normal speed, I will return more frequently to blog. I suppose.

As I promised, I am finally posting the pre wedding video of Agnes and Leon, whose photos I already posted here. The wedding took place on one of the hottest days this year, but the couple proved they are professionals, they took care of guests best way possible. Especially in terms of hydration and I'm not trying to imply alcohol. The wedding took place at the mansion Zemono, church wedding took place in a small church in Lokavec in Ajdovščina. Pre wedding video we shot in the vineyards and in the field below the mansion Zemono. 
Wedding was wonderful, the wedding guests danced until the morning, of course.

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